The malady of seasickness, a form of motion sickness, has been known for as long as people have ventured out on the water on primitive rafts and canoes. A bout of nausea and vertigo can instantly ruin your fun boat trip, and you can suffer from seasickness on your first or your fiftieth voyage. Here are some strategies to employ that can help reduce your chances of developing this day-ruining syndrome.

Avoid Alcohol

While it can be nice to crack open a beer on the boat (provided you’re not operating it), the problem is that alcohol is a risky thing to drink if you’re prone to seasickness. Due to its dizzying and dehydrating effects, your seasickness could be compounded by consuming beer or wine during or even before your voyage. Try not to drink for 24 to 48 hours before you go on a boat and save your celebratory beer for the dock.

Use Herbal Remedies

Ginger and peppermint have long been known to ease the impact of nausea, and they’re not going to hurt you (as long as you’re not allergic to them). Sucking on flavored candies or sipping ginger or peppermint tea or even inhaling the essential oil of peppermint can calm you down and make you feel less sick to your stomach.

Stay Hydrated & Eat Lightly

If you don’t drink any water or eat anything, you’re not going to do yourself any favors. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water or herbal tea while you’re on your boat trip. Snack on bananas, applesauce, crackers, granola bars, and other light foods to settle your stomach.

When you’re ready to buy a new or used boat, visit our dealership in Frazer, PA, to see what we have in stock. Let us know if you’d like to use our financing options, too. Clews & Strawbridge serves our customers in greater Philadelphia and West Chester, PA.