Whether you’re getting ready for a boat parade or looking to enjoy some quiet moments with your friends and family at a body of water near you, you’ll want to follow this boat decoration guide for making your holidays more memorable and fun.

Read on to learn more and for more ideas, come down to Clews & Strawbridge in Frazer, PA. We happily welcome our friends from Philadelphia and West Chester.

Light It Up

The first thing you’ll want to do is light up your boat using various colorful lights that reflect your mood and excitement. You’ll want to use new string lights to decorate your vessel and avoid overloading the circuits. You will want to determine the extra electrical load your boat can handle before buying festive lights and avoid exceeding their capacity.

Use Props

Another fun way to decorate your boat for the holidays is using as many props as you want that help capture the essence of the festive season. You can use anything from sea-shell garlands and holiday-styled flotation devices to other items that help you demonstrate your excitement. Choose props that complement your theme and show everyone how you love to get into the holiday spirit.

However, you’ll want to make sure you secure your props with enough zip ties to prevent them from blowing into the water. You won’t want to leave your favorite body of water messy and littered with your props.

Play Music

Nothing can capture the holiday season like soulful melodies. That’s why you’ll want to keep your favorite festival playlist handy. Spend some time refreshing your playlist to include a few more popular numbers or a few more of your passengers’ favorite songs. If you want, you can let your friends and family members with good taste in music help you create your playlist.

The Right Food and Booze

The idea behind holidaying aboard your vessel is to spend quality time with your loved ones. A fantastic way to make the most of your time is by relishing a few of your favorite dishes and drinks. Think about the various foods and beverages your team would like to have and stock up your vessel accordingly. You’ll want to make sure everyone has a good time during the trip.

Dress Up

Simply decorating your boat won’t do—you’ll need to ensure all your passengers dress up for the occasion. It’ll be ideal if each person puts on holiday costumes, including festive headgear and footwear. If you want, you can also let your team follow a theme, such as wearing the ugliest holiday sweater, dressing up as a holiday gift, or even getting dressed in the least expensive clothing. Go all out and use your creativity to come up with ideas and have loads of fun!

Stay Safe

Holidays are fun only when you and everyone aboard your boat are safe. So, prioritize safety when decorating your vessel and keep in mind the points below:

  • Consider the risk of electric shock or fire when decorating your boat.
  • Check all string lights and bulbs for fraying wires and loose connections.
  • Make sure you don’t hang your lights and props too low, which can cause inconvenience and increase risk.
  • Secure your accessories to prevent them from falling into the water.
  • Make sure the volume of your music doesn’t cause discomfort to other boaters around you.
  • Be a good neighbor and be courteous when entering and exiting the dock or marina.

We hope these tips help you get your boat ready for the holidays. If you need more advice or are still in the market for a new vessel, come down to Clews & Strawbridge. Our friendly experts can address your concerns and show you our latest collection of boats for sale. If you let us know your requirements, we can suggest models for your budget and help you pick a model that’s perfect for you. We are in Frazer, PA, and we proudly serve those from Philadelphia and West Chester.