Owning an outboard-motor boat is fun and adventurous, but this experience comes with a few operating costs. Although you can’t control all of them, you can manage a few by being more strategic about how you ride your vessel. Thankfully, improving the fuel efficiency of your outboard engine is one of the best methods to minimize operating costs.

Keep reading this guide to learn a few strategies to maintain the fuel efficiency of your outboard motor. If you have more questions, contact our experts at Clews & Strawbridge. As your local boat dealership in Frazer, PA, we happily serve all of Philadelphia and West Chester, so reach out today.

1. Keep It Slow and Steady

No matter how tempted you might be to travel at full throttle, you will want to slow down your boat to maintain a better fuel economy. Most outboard motors can achieve peak performance when operating at 60% to 80% capacity. Make the most of this fuel-saving arrangement and give more power to your vessel.

2. Keep the Propeller in Good Shape

The condition of your boat’s propeller can affect the fuel economy and lifespan of your outboard motor. Make sure you keep your propeller in tip-top shape by regularly cleaning and inspecting it and fixing any issues as soon as possible. You will also want to grease the blades to let them work smoothly. This can help boost your engine’s fuel efficiency and your experience on the water.

3. Avoid Rough Waters

Boating in rough water conditions is unsafe and best avoided when possible. In addition to jeopardizing your safety, bringing out your vessel in choppy waters can affect your outboard motor’s performance.

Harsh winds and forceful waves can strain your motor and result in higher fuel consumption. Strong currents can also damage your propeller and lead to massive consequences on the water. To skip the hassle, keep tabs on the weather condition a few days before your outing and postpone your trip as needed.

4. Watch Your Weight

Another way to boost the fuel efficiency of your outboard engine is by lowering the weight on your boat. When packing supplies for your excursion, ensure you get the essential items only, and leave any non-essential gear at home. The idea is to enjoy a comfortable and successful outing without overburdening your motor. Lighter weight on your model can help optimize its performance and lower fuel consumption.

5. Minimize Idle Time

Sometimes, allowing your outboard engine to idle might be better than powering it down. However, this practice leads to wasted fuel, and you will want to avoid it whenever possible. When waiting at the dock or marina, give your engine a break. This will help save on fuel and your money in the longer run.

We hope these tips help you to boost the fuel efficiency of your outboard engine. If you need more advice or want to upgrade your outboard motor to the latest model, visit Clews & Strawbridge. We have a fine selection of outboard motors for sale, and our friendly staff can help you select a model that suits your unique requirements. You will find us in Frazer, PA, proudly serving those from Philadelphia and West Chester.